Data from: 2024-09-03 23:40 UTC


Statistics about keys, tags, and relation types are generated from the OSM database (or an extract) as well as the maps that show the geographic distribution of nodes and ways.


Data until*:2024-09-03 23:40:44 UTC
Last update run:2024-09-04 02:05:42 to 2024-09-04 02:07:30 UTC (2 mins )
Database size:434 MB
Download:taginfo-db.db.bz2 (87 MB)

* All edits until this time will be in the data, later edits might be.

Statistics: Objects

Number of objects in the database:140 959 832
Number of tags in the database:21 855 591

Statistics: Tags

Number of distinct keys:9 430
Number of distinct tags:1 527 318

Statistics: Nodes

Number of nodes in the database:137 582 151
Number of nodes with at least one tag:5 243 318
Percentage of nodes with at least one tag:3.81%
Number of tags on nodes:6 595 496
Average number of tags per tagged node:1.25

Statistics: Ways

Number of ways in the database:3 274 574
Number of closed ways:1 270 621
Number of tags on ways:14 351 132
Average number of tags per way:4.38

Statistics: Relations

Number of relations in the database:103 107
Number of tags on relations:908 963
Average number of tags per relation:8.81
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